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Access control software for Data Centers

Windows application for controlling access to cabinets in a data center. Remote opening of cabinet doors using RFID, SMS, or operator command, not limited to data centers. Central database administration, access logs for each cabinet, alert to open doors in an aisle, and more.

HWg-DCD (Data Center Dashboard) is a unique system that enables secure remote access to cabinets in a data center. HWg-DCD is a centralized application that opens the front or back doors of a cabinet to authorized personnel only.



Program parameters

Basic program parameters

  • Assign IP address / DHCP mode with all HW group LAN products.
  • Displays device name, type, MAC address, IP address and communication port
  • Version for Windows as well as for Linux
  • Displays actual network settings of your computer
  • Check before assigning new address whether it is free
  • Opens product web page after click on its underlined IP address
  • Opens Telnet for TCP Setup (menu accessible under right mouse button)
  • Enables setting of default values

Typical applications

Typical applications

  • Data center: Managing customer access to cabinets
  • Telco network operator: Management of large-scale infrastructure. Unified system of controlling access to individual data centers and individual cabinets
  • Enterprise: Rack access control across all company locations

Usage examples

Usage examples


HWg DCD (Data Center Dashboard) is unique system of security remote rack access. Enables easy access administration in datacentres.

  • User friendly centralized administration of remote rack access
  • 5 different methods how to open rack doors
  • Easy administration of database of users, racks and access codes

Contact us

Vrážská 1418
153 00, Prague 5
Czech republic


Phone: (+420) 723 069 809
Fax: (+420) 773 553 054
E-mail: sales@st-hw.com 



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