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Remote sensor monitoring over LANposeidon2-3266

Poseidon2 3266 enables remote monitoring of sensors over the IP.

It can control temperature, humidity, voltage, and dry contacts (digital inputs) and other external sensors.

It provided alerts over e-mail to values out of a specified range, or connects to an environment monitoring system.

Supports SNMP, Modbus/TCP, XML, and Free online portal www.sensdesk.com 



Product Parameters

Product Parameters

  • Ethernet: RJ45 (10/100 BASE-T)
  • WEB: Built-in web server
  • Data logger: Data logger for more than 250.000 records
  • Sensors: 2xRJ11 – max. 8 external sensors (1-Wire / 1-Wire UNI)
Can measure: humidity, voltage, current, 4-20mA, illumination, temperature (incl. Pt100, Pt1000) and many other quantities...
  • Digital inputs (DI): 4x DI for dry contacts (state detectors) 
Supports: Door contacts, smoke detectors, 110/230V power supply detector, water leak detector, fan failure detector
  • Power: 9-30V DC
  • Mechanical: Metal box, 100 x 94 x 25 [mm] (H x W x D) / 260 g – wall-mountable, fits on a DIN rail.
  • Warranty: 2 years
  • M2M communication protocols: SNMP, XML, Modbus/TCP, HWg-Push
  • Text messages (SMS): Alerts can be sent as text messages (SMS) via a remote HWg-SMS-GW over the network. No software is needed.
  • Support for programmers: HWg-SDK
  • Recommended online portal: SensDesk.com – free online portal

Supported software

  • HWg-Trigger: Control of other IP devices, alarm redirection to SMS
  • HWg-PDMS: Logging, export to MS Excel, reports
  • Third-party software (SCADA systems, Modbus/TCP)

Where to use

Where to use

  • Surveillance systems
  • Sensor readings and detector states can be fed to IP camera systems of various brands. 
External detectors (door contacts, PIR, smoke detectors etc.) can be easily connected to the digital inputs

  • Remote monitoring in IT environments
  • Temperature monitoring at several places
  • Cooler and freezer monitoring
  • UPS monitoring
  • Industrial applications

Usage example

Usage example

  • Remote monitoring in IT environments
  • Measures temperature and humidity remotely over the network, includes a data logger.

    Connects to any SNMP system.

  • Temperature monitoring at several places
  • Several Poseidon2 units can be linked to a single account at the SensDesk.com online portal. All readings are accessible anywhere using a web browser or a mobile app for Android and Apple.

  • Cooler and freezer monitoring
  • Monitor your technology or your food or pharmaceuticals storage.

    We recommend PDMS as the temperature monitoring software.

  • UPS monitoring
  • Monitor the states and voltages of uninterruptible power supplies, monitor diesel generators remotely.

    The unit sends an alarm in case of power failure.

  • Surveillance systems
  • Sensor readings and detector states can be fed to IP camera systems of various brands.

    External detectors (door contacts, PIR, smoke detectors etc.) can be easily connected to the digital inputs.

  • A/C monitoring
  • A/C failure, power supply failure, temperature too high, or a leak of the coolant.

  • Industrial applications
  • Remote monitoring of dry contacts, 4-20mA probes or Pt-100 and Pt-1000 temperature probes.

    Data logger stores the values in the internal memory.




Remote monitoring of the environment in a room (temperature, humidity, smoke detector)

P2-3266 app1 environmental monitoring

  • Remote environment monitoring in a technology room
  • Temperature and humidity measurement, door contact, smoke detector
  • Smoke detector is powered directly from the power-out output of Poseidon2 3266
  • Sends an e-mail or text message (SMS) alert whenever a value is exceeded or the door opened
  • SMS can be sent using the HWg-SMS-GW unit or the HWg-Trigger utility for Windows
  • Values are logged, the log can be displayed and processed e.g. in the HWg-PDMS utility for Windows
  • Connection to a NMS (SNMP monitoring) or SCADA (Modbus/TCP) system

Remote temperature monitoring in coolers and freezers

P2-3266 app2 freezer temperature

  • Flat-cable temperature probes are placed in the deep-freezers and coolers. The installation is simple, the cable leads by the door seal.
  • The door contact alerts to improperly closed door
  • Temperature in the cooler is logged in the internal memory of the Poseidon2 unit e.g. every 5 minutes
  • E-mail or text message (SMS) alert is sent whenever a value is exceeded or the door is opened for longer than 3 minutes
  • Sensors can be daisy-chained
  • Temperature can be also measured with a calibrated Pt-100 or Pt-1000 probe

Monitoring of industrial 4-20mA, 0-10V, Pt-100 or Pt-1000 sensors

P2-3266 app3 temperature probe pt-100 pt1000 4-20mA

  • A converter for two Pt-100 or Pt-1000 temperature probes can be connected to the Poseidon2 monitoring unit.
  • The converter supports 2-wire, 3-wire and 4-wire connection of resistive temperature probes.
  • Industrial sensors with the 4-20mA interface can be connected to RJ11 using a converter. The external sensor is electrically isolated.
  • The external 4-20mA probe is powered from the measuring loop. The white converter box is powered from 12VDC (PowerOut output). The converter includes an electrically-isolated current supply for the external 4-20mA probe, providing up to 24V.
  • The 0-60V sensor can be used to measure a voltage of 0-10V or to monitor 12/24/48V supply.
  • Other converters can be connected to RJ11 as sensors: 0-30V AC, 0-20mA DC, 0-80A DC and more..


Comparation of Poseidons

  Poseidon2 3266 Poseidon2 3268 Poseidon2 3468 Poseidon2 4002
Digital Inputs (DI) 4 DI 4 DI 4 DI 12 DI
Digital Outputs (DO)   2 DO (relay) 2 DO (relay 110/230V) 4 DO (relay)
1-Wire sensors 8 sensors 8 sensors 8 sensors 16 sensors
1-Wire UNI sensors ano ano ano ano
Industrial sensors - - - 24 sensors
Power 9-30V 9-30V 9-30V / -48V 9-30V
Logger capacity 250.000 records 250.000 records 250.000 records 250.000 records
HTML, XML, Flash setup ano ano ano ano
Modbus/TCP ano ano ano ano
SNMP, SNMP Traps ano ano ano ano
SMTP Email ano ano ano ano
Local SMS Alarms - - - ano
HWg-SMS-GW client ano ano ano ano
www.SensDesk.com ano ano ano ano
HWg-SDK for programmers ano ano ano ano


Contact us

Vrážská 1418
153 00, Prague 5
Czech republic


Phone: (+420) 723 069 809
Fax: (+420) 773 553 054
E-mail: sales@st-hw.com 



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