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Detects failures of electricity supply (110/230V, single phase)

Max. output 8A, controlled with a relay. Connects to any device with digital inputs (DI) and digital outputs (DO).poweregg

The PowerEgg combines two functions in one device:

  • Detector: Detects voltage, its presence is indicated with a relay output (electrically isolated).
  • Control: Controls an output electricity socket, max. 8A.

PowerEgg, together with e.g. Poseidon 3266 or Damocles MINI, can be used to monitor the presence of the line voltage at the input of an UPS.
PowerEgg can disconnect its output with a relay contact; this can be used, for example, to remotely switch off and switch on a server.
Both functions are electrically isolated, and can be connected to any dry contact input or a relay output.

DETECTOR Input: Voltage detection (110/230V)
DETECTOR interface: Connect to any dry contact DI (digital input)
CONTROL Output: Turns on/off the 110/230V output voltage (max 8A) - can be connected to any digital output
CONTROL interface: Connect to any DO (digital output) - relay or open collector
Compatible with: Poseidon 3266, 3268, 3468, 400x, 1250, 2250
Damocles 1208, MINI, 2404, I/O controller XXXX


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153 00, Prague 5
Czech republic


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Fax: (+420) 773 553 054
E-mail: sales@st-hw.com 



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