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PWR pulse counter with SNMP & Modbus/TCP output


PWR is gas or water meters to the Ethernet and reading values over the SNMP or Modbus/TCP protocols.

Pulse outputs from 3rd party meters (S0 interface) are connected to the Damocles Ethernet I/O unit. Each Digital Input on the Damocles unit features a 32-bit pulse counter.

The value of this counter can be read out over the web using most M2M protocols (SNMP, XML, Modbus/TCP).

  • Works with any 3rd party energy meter with pulse output (S0)
  • S0 pulse output from the meter is connected to a digital input (DI). The Damocles unit works as a s0 pulse counter with Ethernet output.
  • M2M output: SNMP, Modbut/TCP, XML (HTTP)
  • Software: PDMS + XML overview to MS Excel


  • Electricity consumption monitoring for datacenters
  • S0 to SNMP conversion
  • S0 to Modbus/TCP conversion (most SCADA systems)
  • Energy consumption monitoring
  • Digital pulse counter

Contact us

Vrážská 1418
153 00, Prague 5
Czech republic


Phone: (+420) 723 069 809
Fax: (+420) 773 553 054
E-mail: sales@st-hw.com 



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