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SNMP Web relay

Damocles MINI is Web-relay with 4 digital inputs and control 2 NO/NC relay outputs over the Web and M2M (SNMP, XML, Modbus/TCP). Dry contact event email or SNMP Trap alert.

Control two remote relays and four digital inputs (dry contacts) with a Web interface. Switch a relay or check the input states over an IP network.

A typical application is the sending of an email based on Dry contact inputs, remote restart or remote relay control. Relay outputs can be controlled over M2M protocols SNMP, XML over http or Modbus/TCP.

  • 4 DI digital inputs for contact connecting
  • 2 DO relay outputs relay contacts (NC and NO)
  • Sensor value out of range: sending Email or SNMP Trap to several recipients.



Basic features

Basic features

  • Ethernet: RJ45 (10BASE-T)
  • WEB: Built-in web server
  • Inputs: 4 digital inputs (dry contact)
  • Pulse Counter: 32. bit counter on each Digital Input (for connecting S0 pulses)
  • Outputs: 2 digital outputs (relays, 24VDC)
  • Box-2-Box mode: Outputs are activated by alerts from other devices (Poseidon / Damocles)
  • M2M communication protocols: SNMP, XML, Modbus/TCP
  • Reaction to changes at the input: SNMP trap, Email (editable text)
  • Mechanical: dimension 35 x 102 x 76 [mm]
  • Support for programmers: HWg SDK

Supported software

  • HWg-PD Trigger: Controls other IP devices, redirects alarms to SMS
  • HWg-PDMS: Logging,conversion of pulses to energy, export to MS Excel, reports
  • CapTemp: Visualization on a map, control of outputs, alarm redirection to SMS
  • Third-party SNMP software



  • Control the relay over network – switch relay by three clicks on the mouse
  • Remote Web-Relay controlled over IP (snmp / xml / Modbus/TCP)
  • Pulse counter: energy consumption measurement over IP.
  • Reading of the consumption in time from electrometers, flow meters, gas meters, ..
  • Monitoring of sensors of door opening, motion detectors, dangerous gas, etc.
  • Connecting of external inputs to SCADA systems
  • Remote control over IP - Opening of entry points (doors, gates, pikes and connecting of passage sensors)
  • Monitoring of back-up power supply like UPS and Diesel-engines
  • Camera systems (door contacts, PIR sensors)
  • Measurement of number of persons/vehicles - counting of indoor state and number of passage of persons/vehicles




  • WEB (HTML)
  • The state of digital inputs and outputs is displayed on WWW page. The page is automatically reloaded every 5 seconds. On the main HTML page there are links to Flash Setup, update FirmWare and others.

  • XML
  • All values, the information about alarm state including, are accessible in .XML file (values.xml) and any application can easily log it from XML tags.

  • SNMP
  • SNMP is protocol for management of telecommunication devices, network infrastructure and related technologies. Damocles is fully controlled over SNMP.

  • Modbus/TCP
  • Modbus/TCP is industry standard for input of sensor values and sensors into visualization and SCADA systems. All sensors values are accessible over Modbus/TCP.

  • Alarms
    • SNMP Traps
    • In a case of Alarm, the device will send you SNMP Trap with a description of Alarm state to defined IP address.

    • Email
    • Apart from SNMP Trap, in a case of alarm the device can send you Email with a description of Alarm state.


Box-2-Box mode


Changes at a dry contact input of one device (A) are sent over the network (SNMP Trap) and reflected at the relay output of the other device (B). Damocles MINI can react to changes at the inputs of another Poseidon or Damocles unit (without any additional software).

Too high temperature in the datacenter (measured by Poseidon 3266) turns on a warning red light in the IT department in another building (relay output of Damocles MINI).

Online video

Online video

Comparation of Damocles

Comparation of Damocles

  Damocles 2404i Damocles 1208 Damocles MINI
Digital Inputs 24 Dry Contacts 12 Dry Contacts 4 Dry Contact
+ DI counter ano ano ano
Digital Outputs (DO)  4 Relays 8 Open Collectors 2 Relays
RS-232 configutation ne ne ano
XML (over HTTP) ano ano ano
Modbus/TCP ano ano ano
SNMP, SNMP Traps ano ano ano
SMTP Email ano ano ano
SDK (Software Development Kit) ano ano ano

Contact us

Vrážská 1418
153 00, Prague 5
Czech republic


Phone: (+420) 723 069 809
Fax: (+420) 773 553 054
E-mail: sales@st-hw.com 



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